Spark up conversation with… Louise Jaggar

Every month, a member of the Scriba team shares some insight into their role, as well as revealing some of the words – or phrases – that are meaningful to them. First up, it’s operations manager Louise Jaggar…

1. Which of Scriba’s B2B sectors do you enjoy working in most?

Tough question – we work across so many really cool industries. I’d probably have to say the tech sector, simply because of its ever-changing nature and all the new technologies we get to witness, via our clients.

2. What’s your Scriba ‘specialism’?

In my role as ops manager, I have to be extremely organised, and juggle my client/internal workloads accordingly. A bossy nature helps in my role – essentially I get stuff done!

3. Sum up Scriba in just one word:


4. What’s the most recent word you learnt?

I can’t think of a single word but the phrase ‘we can’t boil the ocean’ is one I heard recently from a client and liked!

5. Tell us how you got into PR in less than 50 words.

It involved a chance social post, which led to a coffee with Katie Mallinson who needed a PR assistant. Fast-forward six and a half years and here we all are! Never underestimate the power of Facebook.

6. What word do you always struggle to spell?

Liaise always makes me stop and think first!

7. Which word or phrase would you like to put into Room 101?

Blue-sky thinking. Makes me cringe.

8. Share one power track which is the perfect way to start your day

Ask the team in the office – my playlist is usually ‘Belting Musicals’. So anything of this vein.

9. Where would you spend a free day off work?

A spa, without a doubt.

10. Which word would you hope your colleagues would use to describe you?

Hilarious! 😊

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Written by Louise Jaggar

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Scriba is a B2B communications agency. We make sense of complex businesses with intricate messages.

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West Yorkshire, WF14 8HE

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