Katie Mallinson talks business insights at Huddersfield Business School

Huddersfield Business School has wrapped up another leg of its Help to Grow management course, which helps business owners and leaders boost company performance and growth. Former Scriba managing director Katie Mallinson was invited to speak to the latest cohort about the intricacies of running a successful business. Here, the School’s senior practitioner Katey Curtis discusses Katie’s session and explains why peer learning is such a vital part of the Help to Grow course.

We’ve recently celebrated the close of our fourth cycle of Help to Grow at Huddersfield University - and what better way to round off the last 12 weeks of exploring growing our businesses than with a guest slot from Scriba PR’s founder Katie Mallinson.

Having grown Scriba PR in her own unique way to the dizzying heights of the business achieving its recent sale, I was keen for Katie to share her experiences with our business owners on Help to Grow. I looked forward to her guiding us on achieving the highs, navigating the lows and providing some top tips for getting out of the ‘every day’ in order to keep driving ‘the dream’.

Leveraging real-world insights 

While Help to Grow is jam-packed with useful resources and practical tools to use back in the business, as well as your own business mentor, it’s the addition of the real-world business insights, brought by our amazing network of successful business owners, like Katie, that brings practical value. Hearing from fellow business owners who are walking the same path, operate in the same region and experience the same challenges, gives the course meaning and inspires our attendees to use their new-found knowledge to explore the possibilities for their businesses.

Help to Grow is a 12-week programme aimed at decision makers in businesses that have been up and running for at least a year and have between five and 249 employees.

There are four parts to the programme, which focus on strategies for growth, engaging with customers, how to lead and engage your people and operations and financial strategies. Delivered across a mix of online and in-person workshops, the course concludes with developing your own bespoke growth action plan and is supported by 10 hours of business mentoring time.

Mark your calendars… The next course kicks off in September. Ready to seize the reins? Take the first step today by contacting one of our esteemed Help to Grow team members. 

Scriba PR, along with our sister agency The Bigger Boat, is an advocate of the Help to Grow management course. If your business would benefit from the programme, discover more.

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