How can flexible working benefit a brand?

In today’s fast-paced society, there’s rarely a moment when you can take your foot off the accelerator and enjoy some time to reflect. Striking that all-important balance between home and work – especially when you work in a busy office – can be difficult. However, here at Scriba PR, we’re not only huge advocates of wellbeing, but we’ve long been putting measures in place to make this possible – with flexible working being just one of these.

But how can allowing colleagues to adapt their work schedule benefit a brand? If you’re thinking about introducing this initiative in your own business – or are pondering the value if you already have – grab a brew and have a read of the below…

Crafting a culture of positivity

Every company’s ethos and daily operations are different, however, allowing employees to work around their personal and professional lives communicates an unwavering level of trust – and staff like to feel valued.

For instance, colleagues are more likely to be positive about the day if they know they can adjust their hours and not worry about who’s going to wait in for the electrician or pick the kids up from school.

Retaining your people

This goes hand in hand with a feel-good culture – when staff feel happy, they don’t want to leave.

Now, we’re not saying that flexible working makes everyone delighted in their post, but it’s certainly one key area which contributes to the overarching level of job satisfaction.

Also, if you’re maintaining a stable workforce, this naturally has a knock-on effect on your corporate financials too – with less people likely to abscond in search of another role. This means recruitment expenditure is also reduced.

Elevating productivity

No single person is the same – some work better in a morning, others have late-night brainwaves – and it’s crucial that today’s organisations are aware of and respect this.

There’s sometimes a misconception that working from home means a colleague won’t be trying as hard or will be less motivated, but here at Scriba, the truth is the polar opposite.

In fact, knowing your employer has the confidence in you to make sensible decisions around your work schedule is empowering and makes personnel feel more valued.

Boosting competitiveness

While many enterprises now offer this workplace perk, not all do – and this is where you can ensure you stand out.

When comparing a position which includes remote working to one which doesn’t, the attractiveness of the role with the more flexible, hybrid schedule is undoubtedly more appealing.

Therefore, to remain ahead of the game when it comes to attracting new talent, it’s vital you don’t just concentrate on whether they’re the right fit for you, but whether your organisation is meeting employees’ needs too.

There are countless other benefits to incorporating remote working into a business – and for each individual these advantages will look different. But one universal fact is that when you build a brand and culture which your staff are passionate about, working from home can only be seen as a good thing.

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Written by Amy Lloyd

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