Can I repurpose press coverage on my blog?
Here, we discuss why it’s so beneficial to repurpose the press coverage, transforming it for different channels and giving your content the space to work hard for your brand.
Maximise your investment (time and money)
Media coverage rarely lands at the laps of businesses – in fact, there’s usually a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes. Firstly, you need to have a compelling story to share and as we all know, this often takes time, determination, and some serious hard graft.
Next, there’s the briefing stage, where all the information for a press release is gathered. The details are transformed into a newsworthy release, which is distributed to a well-researched list of contacts, with expertly crafted, personalised pitches to capture the attention of specific journalists.
Then, we’re on to media monitoring and ‘voila’; if your piece was carefully constructed with an angle relevant to your chosen media it (hopefully) appears in the publication and the stage is yours.
At this point, it would be easy to pat yourselves on the back, celebrate internally and leave it at that. However, this really isn’t doing the content (or the resource spent bringing the release to fruition) justice. If the outlay leading up to the news was worth it, it makes sense to amplify your accomplishments further – and reap maximum rewards. This is when we (or you, depending on your comms capabilities) step in to amplify the message and get the most out of your investment.
Build credibility with current and prospective clients
Put yourself in the shoes of your customer. You’re browsing a few websites to select a supplier. You stumble upon a site that showcases company achievements that have even been shared within known and trusted, high-profile publications. Recognising those titles as respectable sources you, by association, immediately see the company as more credible. After all, they’re not the only ones saying how great they are – [insert hero title] says so too. This influences your decision to add the company to your shortlist.
While this particular content may otherwise have been buried within the original publication’s archives, repurposed on your website it sticks around more prominently – meaning the benefits of your positive PR investment live on.
Provide engaging social media content
Blogs can inform engaging social media content. Make the most of your piece and transform it into a post (or several if you can pick out different angles) for your company social media channels. This way, you can share the news with your followers – and you never know, there could be one contact lurking in your follower list who is encouraged to take that next step as a result. What’s more, it’s a great way to impress current customers too – perhaps even encouraging them to congratulate you on your news and extend the reach further.
But where do businesses stand when it comes to repurposing press articles?
It’s a question we’re often asked by our clients, and the upshot is: absolutely share away. Journalists and media titles love nothing more than to spread the word about the content they’re creating. In fact, it might even support them in securing additional readership. But being respectful of copyright is crucial. Share only snippets from articles with your own narrative to introduce any quotes, and ensure to credit the journalist and publication by directing your readers to the full article via a link.
If this is news to you, and you haven’t been maximising your content thus far, you haven’t missed the boat - why not plan a reflective post instead? Utilising milestones (such as ‘one year on’, for example), is a great way to bring the spotlight back to those key company moments. Alternatively, contact our team to support in ensuring your content is working as hard as it can for you.